アートワークショップ (以下、「当サイト」といいます。)は、当サイトにおける個人情報の取扱いに関し、個人情報の保護に関する法律(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)及び関係法令を遵守するとともに、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシーを定め、その適切な取扱いに努めてまいります。なお本文における、「個人情報」、「個人データ」、「保有個人データ」の各用語の定義については、個人情報保護法の定めに従います。
1 個人情報の取得
2 個人情報の利用目的
- 当サイトが提供するサービスの遂行
- 当サイトのサービスに関する情報提供
- サイトの案内状、セミナーの告知、メールマガジン等の送付
- その他、前各号の目的に付随又は関連する目的
3 個人情報の目的外利用
4 個人データの第三者提供
5 個人データの安全管理措置の実施
6 保有個人データの開示、訂正、利用停止等の請求
7 お問い合わせ窓口
ワークショップ運営事務局 株式会社シュガーテイスト内
〒111-0036 東京都台東区松が谷2-2-10
8 日本語版ポリシーの優先的適用
Privacy Policy
Art Workshop (hereinafter referred to as the “this Site”) complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information Protection Law”) and other related laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information on this Site. In addition to complying with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Site has established the following privacy policy to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information on this website. The definitions of the terms “personal information,” “personal data,” and “retained personal data” used herein shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law.
Article 1: Acquisition of Personal Information
This site will acquire personal information by legal and proper means to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Article 2: Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The purpose of use of personal information acquired by this Site shall be for any of the following purposes. However, if, at the time of acquisition of personal information, this site specifically limits the purpose of use of such information by displaying such information on this site or on web pages linked to this site, or by other means, personal information will be used only for the limited purpose of use.
- To perform the services provided by this site
- To provide information regarding the services of this site
- To send site invitations, seminar notices, mail magazines, etc.
- To fulfill purposes ancillary to the above purposes
Article 3: Use of Personal Information for Other Purposes
This Site will use personal information only for the purposes stated above, and will not use it for any other purposes, except when required by law, when the purpose of use has been separately notified or announced to the person concerned, or when the person concerned has given their consent.
Article 4: Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties
This Site will not provide personal data to third parties, except as required by law or with the consent of the individual.
Article 5: Implementation of Security Control Measures for Personal Data
This Site shall take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of handled personal data and shall manage such personal data appropriately. In addition, this site will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over its employees regarding the handling of personal data, and when entrusting the handling of personal data to a subcontractor, this site will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the subcontractor manages the personal data safely.
Article 6: Requests for Correction and Deletion of Personal Information
When the Site receives a request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, suspension of provision to a third party, or notification of the purpose of use of retained data from the person themselves or their representative in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the Act after confirming that the person making such a request is the person themselves or authorized representative. Upon confirmation of the identity of the person making the request or the person authorized to act on his/her behalf, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law. For further details, please contact the following contact point.
Article 7: Contact for Inquiries
Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to the following address.
Workshop Management Office: Sugartaste Corporation
2-2-10 Matsugaya, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0036, Japan
Inquiries about the workshop can be sent by e-mail to sns@sugartaste.co.jp
Sugartaste Corporation is the point of contact for comments, questions, requests for disclosure, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information on this site. If we receive a complaint about our handling of personal information, we will respond to it appropriately and promptly.
Article 8: Precedence of Japanese Version of Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy was originally prepared in the Japanese language. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version and the Japanese version regarding the interpretation of the Privacy Policy, the Japanese version shall take precedence.
Article 9: Changes to this Privacy Policy
This Site may change this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary.
The Site is operated* by Sugartaste Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). Please read the following disclaimer carefully before using this site. By using the contents of this website, you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms and conditions.
The Association does not warrant the accuracy or validity of the contents of this website (including information provided by third parties). However, the Society makes no warranty of any kind regarding the information provided. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users or others as a result of the use of this site. Users are requested to use this site at their own risk. The content and addresses on this site are subject to change or deletion without notice. The disclaimer on this page is subject to change without notice.
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